When you come into our office for your first visit, the experience is based on one thing… finding out how we can improve your situation. For some patients that means figuring out why they are having symptoms, for others it is how to improve their health.
Before you leave your home, you'll want to know what to bring with you when you come for your visit. As with any visit to a doctor, we will have you fill out some paperwork. The paperwork is followed by a consultation so the doctor can get specific information from you about your case. He will also answer any questions you may have.
The next portion of your visit will be the examination. This is obviously specific to the patient, but it will include several parts. You will be escorted to the examination room where the doctor will perform a variety of exams. He will do an infrared thermography scan, orthopedic tests, postural analysis, neurological tests, and x-rays (if needed). You will then be directed to the front desk where your next appointment will be set up in one of our special times, so the doctor can go over his findings. In most cases the first adjustment happens on the second visit, after the test results are deciphered and explained.
As he gathers this information, he will come up with a treatment plan specifically for you. This is typically reviewed on the second visit and will answer many questions that you may have at this point; including: What’s wrong? Can chiropractic help? How long will it take? How much will it cost? These are the first few steps you can expect to happen on your journey to optimal health! It is time for your care to begin!
Recommended times are as follows but sometimes vary: